Working with chemicals
These sector resources support mathematics teaching in the context of industries involved in chemical substances. The resources include Making Molecules, Waste Management and Hair and Beauty, giving students the opportunity to build models, investigate sequences, interpret graphs and discover the application of the data handling cycle, all of which promote discussion and improve insight into the practical application of mathematical principles in chemical related industries. No previous knowledge of chemistry is needed.
Working with chemicals | Making molecules
This topic looks at the mathematical structure of some molecules. No previous knowledge of chemistry is needed.
Working with chemicals | Waste_management
This topic works with government statistics to raise issues about waste recycling. It would work well as a cross curricular topic working with science colleagues to understand both the chemical and the energy issues involved in waste disposal.
Working with chemicals | Hair and beauty
Hair and beauty professionals use a wide range of chemicals in their treatments. For example, minerals, bleaches and dyes are used to affect hair colour. Soaps, oils and emulsifiers are used to cleanse the skin. Chlorine or bromine is used in keep the water clean in spas and hot tubs. Their training includes understanding the reactions they might encounter among some clients as the result of the chemicals which some treatments contain.
Working with chemicals | Chrystal shapes 1
This topic looks at the mathematical structure of some naturally occurring crystals. Many crystals have less symmetrical forms than the few considered here which have been carefully chosen so that their symmetries can be considered.
Working with chemicals | Chrystal shapes 2
This topic takes a further look at the mathematical structure of some naturally occurring crystals and some related mathematical solids.